Thursday 13 December 2012

Target Audience Analysis

Marie Claire magazine and Sugar magazine both contrast through their target audience. Marie-Claire is aimed at professional business women; the colour schemes are more mature and plain. The blue in this example represents Depth and stability which is the colour of the sky and sea. It is the symbol of freedom; associated with tranquility, wisdom and loyalty. The colors instantly attract the right target audience. The model used in this magazine is slightly older giving the idea that she is wiser this allows the audience to empathize and connect with the magazines image.

Sugar magazine uses pinks and purples which automatically attracts the younger generation. Pink is associated with romance and love. It is a Female colour. The model is Kristine Stewart who stars in the movie ‘Twilight.’ She is very popular among a younger target audience and therefor attracts the majority of teenagers.

Marie Claire’s headlines are very classy and sophisticated. They contrast is colours from white, blue and black. The writing is bold and clear. In sugar magazine there are many advertisements made telling its audience they can win pieces of clothing whereas in Marie Claire magazine no advertising is made suggesting that the women of this target audience are wealthier and winning items of clothing would not appeal to them in the way it would to a teenager.
Sugar Magazine uses different fonts to draw your eye to the different deals and offers available. It overall image is bold and striking with the use of stars to make the masthead and offers stand out the magazine would instantly stand out to a younger generation.
To conclude both magazines are very clear in what target audience they want to attract. Marie Claire wants to attract older women and Sugar Magazine wants to attract teenagers. Through the use of colour, font and advertising they both have achieved effectively the attention of the right target audience.

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