Sunday 7 April 2013

Q Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis

These Q magazine double page spreads are bold and effective. Both issues have a main image on one of the two pages. The models are both posing simply yet the image looks really strong to a reader. On the Q double page spread of Lady Gaga I particularly like the black and white effect of the picture. The articles itself have large letters across the page. The bold lettering is unique and interesting. It instantly grabs the reader’s attention as it’s striking and distinctive. The deep red is see through which allows the text beneath to be easily seen. The red creates a contrast with the otherwise plain colours. The colour theme of black, white and red is carried out through the rest of the magazine creating a house style throughout. ‘Lady GAGA’ and ‘Beady BYE’ are written in the top right corners of the double page spread. This is very simple but also effective. The writing is also in columns which is effective as a reading technique in that columns keeps information in a tight space, which is good as there is a limited amount of space, columns easily directs the readers eye down the page without them losing their place.

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