Thursday 29 November 2012

Research Into Various Artists to Inspire my Magazine

Within my research, I am beginning to look at my target audience and magazines that I want to relate my ideas and interests in. These 2 magazines are all staring Rita Ora; an up and coming popular singer who has had 3 number ones in a short amount of time therefore making a statement throughout the music industry. She is an inspiration and has worked among stars such as Jay Z resulting in her always being in the public eye; the media portray her in a positive light.  I am looking into various artists that all have a chart feel and have a big and bold personality as I want to portray these characteristics within my magazine. These 2 magazines all have a similar target audience around teenagers aged 14-20 that are interested in the chart sound that Rita presents. Rita Ora strong and confident personality reflects with in the magazines she has posed for. She is always wearing statement clothing and makeup.

Rita Ora

Rita Ora

Beyoncé is another artist inspiring me on themes and ideas I want to carry out within my magazine. She has had many number ones and is famous for being the beautifully talented singer she is. She is an inspiration to many and is always portrayed in a good light. These 2 magazines are all targeting similar audience from ages 14-20 and up as her songs are liked by a variety of people. The clothes she is wearing within these front covers are all bold, statement pieces showing off her looks and braveness within fashion. Beyoncé is an artist that is going to inspire my magazine creation.

Rita Ora and Beyoncé are both huge singers within the industry. They are both inspirational people, with big personalities portrayed through there fashion and music. I want to take into account certain characteristics these celebrities portray and use them to inspire me and put these ideas into my magazine.


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