Friday 30 November 2012

‘VOGUE’ Magazine Cover Analysis on Colour

       After researching into the use of colour within magazines I believe it is a very important attribute included in a magazine.  Colour is a main factor used within the advertisement of the magazine as it immediately catches eyes of the right target audience. Colour is certainly essential as it is a form of nonverbal communication and it carries meaning through association.

      This Vogue magazine cover represents the idea that colour is a main selling point in the strong way it’s been used. Firstly the Masthead, ‘VOGUE’ it in a black colour, allowing it to stand out clearly amount the white background. Black is aassociated with power, mystery and fear. It has positive connotations such as elegance and class. It is an aggressive and strong colour which means that the uses of colour hear is correct as Vogue is an elegant, high-class magazine.

      Vogue’s target audience is females in their late twenties to thirties. Vogue is very successful in attracting its audience, resulting in continual high readership and as a result, does not widely try to appeal to other audiences, such as men. You can clearly see that the magazine is not designed to appeal to men through colour as there are female colors used throughout the cover such as pink and yellow. The confident women posing on the cover is also wearing brightly colored clothing carrying on with the pink and yellow theme.   Pink is associated with romance and love. It is also associated with feelings of calmness. It is most definite a Female colour which is often used within magazines that’s target audience our females to clearly portray this. Yellow associated with sunshine. It Indicates energy, optimism, joy, hope and warmth. It is a symbol of spontaneity and impulsiveness. The use of the yellow and pink theme used within this cover is a very good use of advertisement as it immediately shouts female and brings with it the connotations of romance and love as well as hope and warmth.

      There are also examples of blue within the cover to break up the theme slightly. The blue represents depth and stability which is the colour of the sky and sea. It is the symbol of freedom and associated with tranquility, wisdom and loyalty. The blue slightly breaks up the theme and leads the eye to different places throughout the cover.

      The main cover line, ‘Celebrate!’ is also in pink carrying on the theme and linking the cover together in an eye catching positive way. The surrounding kickers are showing examples of pink as well as black which is connected through the Vogue masthead. The black is more of a statement colour and easily draws the reader’s attention to the ‘powerful and elegant’ colour.

      Overall the use of colour here is exceptional. The main theme of pink, yellow and black is immediately eye catching and reaches out to the correct target audience. It appeals to females within the connotations is compels. The magazine cover is also strong due to other examples such as the font however the colors especially make it stand out as a unique magazine cover and make it what I believe to be the independent, strong magazine cover it is.

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