Thursday 29 November 2012

The Use of Colour in Adevertisting - lesson 29/11/2012

Within this lesson we learnt further into the use of colour used in advertising. I found this lesson very useful as it will help me within my magazine to use the right themes of colour to relate to my target audience.
We learnt;
o   Colour is extremely important as it is a form of nonverbal communication
o   Colour carries meaning through association

o   Red- Associated with all things intense and passionate, danger, fire, energy and excitement. Symbol for violence, blood and war. High visibility which is why it is used for road signs. Red indicates courage which is used in many countries' flags. In China red indicates celebration or luck. In India red is the colour of purity which is used in weddings.

o   Yellow – Yellow is the colour of sunshine. Indicates energy, optimism, joy, hope and warmth. Symbol of spontaneity and impulsiveness. Dull yellow is associated with decay, sickness, jealousy and deceit. In Asia yellow is a symbol of royalty and sacredness.

o   Blue – Blue represents Depth and stability which is the colour of the sky and sea. Symbol of freedom. Associated with tranquility, wisdom and loyalty. Symbolic of cleanliness, technology and security. It is a Masculine colour. In China blue is associated with immortality. For Hindus, blue is the colour of Krishna. For Jews blue is the colour of holiness. In the Middle East blue is a protective colour

o    Pink - Associated with romance and love. Also associated with feelings of calmness. It is a Female colour.

o   Black - Gothic representations such as death and evil. Symbol of grief. Associated with power, mystery and fear. Positive connotations - elegance and class. Aggressive and strong colour

-Researching into these colours really helped me as I want to use this knowledge and put it into my magazine. This knowledge will help when researching and planning my magazine as I can the colours effectively.

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