Wednesday 27 March 2013

Front Cover Layout Research

‘The significance of magazine design (layout/page makeup) is important to impress the reader and create a page turner. In the present day world, the popularity of a magazine is measured by its design, graphics and the pictures used’

 The layout of a magazine is often underestimated on a level of importance. To make sure that my magazine cover layout fits my desired finish I have looked into various covers, which stand out to me from a design prospective. This ELLE cover has stood out to me in many aspect of my research. The overall layout out is simplistic and easy to take in. I personally don’t like overcrowded covers as they strike me as being slightly tacky and messy. The positioning of the main features, puffs and mast head allows the main image, to remain a strong, simplistic photo as it hasn’t been covered in featured articles that attempt to draw the reader in. The positioning also makes each point, that’s trying to be put across, easy to identify and read. Less is very often more. This VOGUE magazine cover also caught my attention from a design prospective. The layout again, is simplistic and stylish. The main features aren't covering the main image, which is a strong bold image in itself, this makes the overall cover uncomplicated and eye catching. With the different sized text placed around the main image draws the reader’s eyes to the right places; the main articles.

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