Sunday 31 March 2013

Life style Questionnaire

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 In total, 5 people answered my survey; 2 males and 3 females. I made sure both genders could carry out my survey in order to get fair results, as my magazine is aimed at both sex's. All candidates were between the ages of 17 and 21. This mean that the following results will relate to my research as this age category falls into my target audience. In response to 'how often do you buy a magazine' 3 people replied every so often, 1 person answered with monthly and 1 with weekly. My results also showed me that 2 out of the 5 would be willing to pay £2.00-£3.99 for a magazine, 1 person would be willing to pay £0.00-£1.99, 1 person would be willing to pay £4.00-£5.00 and 1 person would be willing to pay £6.00+. These result show that people are willing to pay different amounts for a magazine, this is down to the fact that people may have different price budgets or the fact that they purchase magazines less often, so when buying one they can spend more or simply because they have different ideas on what a magazine should and shouldn't cost, but unsurprisingly the majority would be willing to spend £2.00-£3.99. 1 people said that they would expect to see 0-50 pages in a magazine, 3 people said 71-90 and 1 person said 91+, the majority answer here I expected. In response to 'what kind of adverts would you like to see in a magazine?' 3 people selected gigs and festivals, 2 people selected television and film releases and 1 selected gig guides. This shows me that generally, young adults are interested in the music industry and up coming music. 3 candidates selected that do purchase magazines and 2 of them said that they didn't. This shows me that, due to a divide in interests and desires some people are not interested in reading magazines altogether. 4 people selected that 'chart' was the favourite music genre and 1 selected 'indie'. These results confirm to me that the age category I am targeting is in fact interested in chart music.

To add to these results, I also interviewed one male, Sully, and one girl, Anna, on what initially attracts them in general to a magazine from cover.

Sully: 'What mainly attracts me to a magazine is the main image. Personally if I think the main image is a good photo, or if its different and unique to other magazines ill probably look at the magazine and see what its about and has too offer. Also I know that girl models naturally grab male's attention.'

Anna: 'The main image on a magazine cover is definitely what makes me look at a magazine but also the writing (main features/head lines) across the front cover capture my interest if they look interesting to read about. Also the name (masthead) of a magazine generally makes me have an opinion on a magazine before even reading it as I think the name shows what a magazine represents.'

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