Thursday 18 April 2013

Final Feedback

After completing my magazine I interviewed the same people, that falls into my target audience category,  that I used to carry out my life style questionnaire and ask for feedback from. I used one girl and one boy in order to get a fair and balanced response from both genders. I asked them a number of questions to help myself understand whether iv'e successfully created a front cover design, contents page and double page spread that would attract my target audience...


When first seeing my finished magazine cover what initially attracted you too it?
  • 'The main image definitely attracted me to the front cover at first. The model looks interesting and daring. It made me curious to find out more about her story. When i saw the feature next to her it made me generally interested to find out more about her. I'm quite interested in fashion myself so the models appearance captured my interest as I liked her dress. I think the body language of the model also attracted me to the magazine as she looks laid back and almost out there as her pose is different to the normal poses most models do on magazine covers.'
When seeing my contents page what initially attracted you to it?
  • 'I think the large numbers captured my attention as they stand out on the page and their different to the rest of the style (house style) of the other pages (front cover and double page spread).'
When seeing my double page spread what initially attracted you to it?

  • 'I would say that the beginning of the article caught my attention as the first letter is much larger and pink, it definitely drew my eye to the beginning of the article!'

What is your favorite part of my final product?

  • 'My favorite part was the series of images throughout the magazine. I particularly liked the front cover main image as the model looks almost captivating and interesting. I also liked the multi-exposure effect  of the model in the contents page as that really stood out as being unique and different.'


When first seeing my finished magazine cover what initially attracted you too it?

  • 'I was first attracted to the names of various artists around the page, especially 'Bastille' and 'Jay-Z' these are some of my favorite musicians around at the moment, so they really appealed to me.'

When seeing my contents page what initially attracted you to it?

  • 'I personally liked the photos used on the contents page they were really interesting and unique, the model is also good looking which appealed to me (male gaze)'. 

When seeing my double page spread what initially attracted you to it?

  • 'I was definitely attracted to the larger text that stuck out in the middle of the article, because the text was larger than the rest I looked at that first and what I read was interesting so it made me want to read the whole article.' 

What is your favorite part of my final product?

  • My favorite part was the main image on the front cover. The model is really attractive looking and she also looks edgy and laid back which I can relate to myself. The fact that she was holding a ciggarete made me relate to her on a social level.' 

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Evaluation: Question 7

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Throughout my project I have been really keen to learn some of the skills that goes into creating a magazine. I have been amazed at the complexity and differing skills that are used and needed, as well as the research and psychology that is required to make a successful media product. I feel as if I have learnt a lot in order to gain the skills required for this product. 
As I mentioned in question 6, I used Corel Draw to complete my preliminary task. After I had completed the task and carried on my research towards my final media product I wanted to use Adobe Photo Shop as this is a higher functioning programme which enabled me to achieve a higher and more professional looking standard.
When carrying out my preliminary task I was unaware of the amount of research needed to complete a successful magazine.  It is crucial for a magazine to have a target audience in order for it to appeal and feel personal to a range of particular people. To make sure I understood my target audiences interests I researched in to a number of magazines that have a similar target audience to me. This helped me incorporate ideas into my magazine that I knew would appeal to an audience of 15-25 year old's. I also carried out a questionnaire to see what my target audience would expect to see in a magazine.
Design wise, I would like to think that there is a massive difference between my school magazine and music magazine. Through careful planning and by using advanced programmes I was able to spend a lot longer designing my magazine to have a professional look finish. I think that my school magazine has an amateur look to it and I would hope that my music magazine looks a lot more professionally designed, which is what I was trying to achieve. I have definitely picked up some useful skills in design.
Through my research I heave learnt many advertising techniques crucial for any magazine to sell. I have learnt how different font sizes and texts can draw a reader in as it captures their interest. I have learnt that direct address can make a magazine more personal and appealing.
I feel as if I can confidently say that I have learnt a tremendous amount through my research. I have developed my research and gained skills that I did not have before my project. I hope that these newly found skills are visible in my finished media products as I have put them into practice. 

Evaluation: Question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout my project I have learnt a lot about technologies. 

  • Text - (in design) This is the most obvious one but throughout my project I learnt which texts worked within a magazine to produce a professional finished look.  I used different types of fonts and different sizes.
  • Layers - (Adobe Photoshop) When creating my magazine I used layers so everything device was placed in the right position. Before this project I was unfamiliar with Photo shop but by using Google and youtube videos to help me, I successfully learnt how to use the programme. 
  • Colours - (Colour Pallet) I used this programme as well as Photo shop to help edit my photos. I think this was very useful as it enhanced the colours correctly avoiding the look of over editing. 
  • Colour balance - In photo shop I used different effects such as shadowing, mid tones, exposure, contrast and highlights. I learnt how to make sure that each effect would balance the other out ensuring that the finish colouring looked equal and proportioned. 
  • Camera - For my photo shoot I used a digital camera with a standard lens to ensure that my photos were of good quality. I used this camera through my art GCSE project so I was familiar with how to use my camera to the best of its ability. However, I did use a tripod which I havn't used before. I had help setting it up as I had no experience in doing so. I found using a tripod really beneficial to my photo shoot as it helped balance and level my photos correctly. 

  • lighting - I knew how to use the lighting in my photo shoot to create the best results as I have existing experience in photography. I used different lighting settings in my two photo shoots. In my first, I used one light as I didn't want my pictures to be to over exposed. I was pleased with my results but I thought that  a brighter back round would better of represented the look I was trying to achieve. Thinking this, I used two lights in my second photo shoot to brighten my back round which I personally think makes the photo's look of better quality and exposure. 
  • Adobe Photo Shop - I used photo shop to create my magazine and edit my pictures. I have used this programme before, throughout my art GCSE, so I was familiar with the concept and layout of the programme. I used this programme to crop, cut, layer and manipulate my images. I found it slightly difficult at times too try and get all the feature's of my magazine to fit correctly around the  page, but with time and patience, I leant how to make it work. A knew concept I learnt was by using layers and the paint tool I could retouch colour such as hair colour and eye colour. I also learnt how to edit a specific part of an image using the magic want tool. 

  • Corel Draw - I also used the programme Corel Draw to design my school magazine. I have used this programme a number of times so I didn't learn a lot through using it as I already knew and understood the format and the concept of the programme. 
  • Blogger - I 'Blogger' to display my media course work. I had never used this site before my project so I had to learn the way a blog works as I went along. I needed to learn a few main skills in order to successfully complete my blog. Firstly, I learnt how to create 'labels'. The labels I created, I have attached to each post in order to show what each pose is about. I also learnt how to upload a picture. I often found uploading a link to my blog difficult as you have to embed the code and then upload it in the HTML setting, as soon as I understood this, I was able to quickly and efficiently upload prezi videos and slide share presentations. I have found blogger to be a really efficient site to use for my course work.  
  • Prezzi - I used prezzi for certain tasks in order to display my research in a simple to understand format. Prezzi can easily present ideas and plans in a creative and interesting way. I had never used prezzi before my AS media coursework so the concept of it was new to me. I found prezzi difficult at first as it got rather confusing at stages but with the help of 'prezi learn' videos and 'prezi support' I was able to get the hang of it quickly and start making videos where I thought necessary. After being shown how to embed my prezzi to my blog I found it easy to post each of my prezzis on to my blog efficiently. 

  • Slide share - I used slide share to display my images for my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I also used it to display my finished products.I think that it is a good overall programme as it can show images to an audience professionally and clearly. I had never used slide share before my AS media blog, so again, this was a new concept and learning curve for me. I found this programme easy to use, I simply followed the instructions and created my slide show. After finishing my slide share I embedded the code and easily posted it on to my blog for people to view.  

Evaluation: Question 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

It is very important for a magazine, from selling intentions, to have certain examples where you are targeting a specific audience as it instantly makes a magazine personal and relatable to an individual. I have made sure that my audience of ages 15-25, both male and female with interests in chart music are able to relate to my magazine, instantly drawing them in. 
An example of this is fashion the main images I used. That fact that the model on the front page is sdqmoking will make my target audience be able to relate to her rebellious nature. She is also wearing latest trend, fashionable clothing, which will attract a young audience, as fashion is very important to many young people in today's society. Her pose is almost confrontational. She displays attitude that a young readership will be able to identify with. She'll capture the male gaze through her pose and clothes; she is wearing a short dress with one hand propped on her hip making the model slightly provocative. A female audience is also under pressure to aspire to look the way that she does, this will make an audience connect and empahise with her looks.
My front cover has been designed to capture the attention of readers. My mast head is very large taking up a large part of the top of the page. The bold and large text will capture a readers attention as it is important for a magazine to stand out from others. I have kept a simple colour pallet but my cover shows examples of blue and pink which are male and female colours. This will attract both genders.
On my front cover I addressed my audience directly. '100 summer songs, you need right now.' The fact that I have used the word makes the magazine look like its targeting an individual directly. I have also used many devices to attract my audience. For example, my main features displayed as kickers across the page are all referring to big, chart music musicians which would instantly attract their interest. I have used different fonts and sizing to attract the readers eye to the most important parts of the cover, widening their interest. I have created a sticker that reveals competition results, this would make a reader curious and interested to see the outcome. I have also used 'exclusive interview' and 'rumours put to rest', this makes the reader feel like this particular magazine has  more to offer than other magazines of the market. 

Monday 8 April 2013

Evaluation: Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my magazine is males and females between the ages of 15 and 25. They would have a strong interest in chart music. They would also be interested in the fashion element and lifestyle that the chart music industry portrays. I have tried to include traces of interests that come with a love of music for example my model is wearing high fashion clothes that you would expect a musician to be wearing in a music video. This makes my audience more able to relate to my magazine.
Below is my audience profile I created during my research. It clearly clarifies what my ideal audience would be. 

My target audience:
Age: 15-25
Gender: Female 50% - Male 50%
Social Economic Groups: B, C1, C2
Life Style Profile:
·         Strong interest in chart music industry
·         Downloads an album 2-3 times a month
·         Attends music festivals/gigs 4 times a year
·         Influenced by musicians image
-    Reads on line articles about musicians personal lives

Evaluation: Question 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

I have researched into many into many media institution that distribute all types of magazines. The magazine market is huge, with many competitors trying to get their magazine recognised. The most common way of distributing a magazine is in a shop. By distributing a magazine in a shop it instantly makes the name of a magazine more popular as it will become known by a large variety of people having seen the magazine. Because of this I have decided that WHSmith's would be perfect for my magazine. I think this because WHSmiths is a large, well known franchiser with a huge variety of people coming in and out of their stores everyday. The store is known for supplying magazines and I believe if my magazine was placed on the shelves of WHSmiths many people would get to see it. WHSmiths sells numerous amounts of different types of magazines. They sell 35 different types of music magazines. With the business serving approximately 30,000 costumers across England and Wales I believe that WHSmiths would distribute my magazine as I have followed the normal conventions of a music magazine with some original ideas that might attract
WHSmiths as its important from a marketing prospective to have variety and change.
I also think distributing my magazine at a festival would be very rewarding. I think this because festivals are the place where music lovers go. My magazine is targeted at both genders, age 15-25, this is the average age range for people to go to festivals such Reading and Bestival; making it a prime location to distribute my magazine. Festivals also have a happy and relaxed vibe, there are so many up and coming artists around people become open minded to new music and ideas. I have been to large festival myself so I can say first hand that there are many people handing out flyers and magazines and the response is very positive. People at festivals have a genuine interest and love for music, their open minded to new ideas, making them a great audience to have my magazine distributed out too. 
In today's society people between the ages of 15-25 and constantly using social networking and electronic devices to interact and explore their interests. Many magazine companies such as 'OK' are distributing their magazines online knowing that there is a large target market that would rather sit in the comfort of their own home and read a magazine online than have to travel to buy a magazine. There are many devices that a magazine can be read on presently such as a laptop, ipad, tablet, kindle or phone. People can easily subscribe to magazine's online allowing them to receive issues through the post and receive email updates about latest news and offers.  Magazine companies have recognised this and have grasped this opportunity. Because of this I think my magazine would benefit greatly from being distributed online as people can read it from the comfort of their own home. 

Evaluation: Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My target audience is age 15-25. It is targeted at both male and females interested in chart music. The chart music industry today has a heavy fashion element to it. I wanted to incorporate this into my magazine to relate to the fashion side that the chart music industry portrays. Because of this I looked in to high fashion magazines such as VOGUE and ELLE to help me create a pre visualised image of my magazine. My model is wearing latest trend clothing which many musicians would wear in music videos for example. All this helps my magazine to appeal to young adults interested in the music industry. The language used in my magazine is colloquial and informal which would relate to a younger generation. In the main image, my model is posing, holding a cigarette. My target audience are at an age where a rebellious nature is seen as the normality. Many  teenagers and  young adults smoke in today's society and the model doing the same will make her relatable. My main features are all about up and coming or already big artists that would appeal to any chart music fan. Many names have been enlarged in order to draw the reader to the wording, instantly capturing their attention when spotting a liked musician. 
My Magazine is both targeted as males and females. My magazine is represents males in that my model used will capture the male gaze. Her poses all show of her feminine figure is tight clothing. She is wearing dramatic eye make up and has long blonde messy hair. My magazine also has a sticker in the colour blue. Blue is a masculine colour. My colour pallet for my magazine is primarily black and white which gives the magazine a very neutral effect. This gives the impressions that the magazine is divided between males and females.  
My model will also appeal to girls from a desired appearance prospective. Girls are under a lot of pressure in today's society to try and look like what is thought of as 'good looking.' Girls often use models as inspiration for fashion choices. Pink is also used throughout my magazine which is a feminine colour. 

Evaluation: Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My finished product (front cover, contents page and double page spread) all contain examples of conventions. For example each finished product has an expected layout. My front cover has the name of my magazine 'VOICE' displayed across the top of the page so readers can see spot my magazine quickly and easily. My contents page also has the mast head of my magazine displayed across the top of the page, spread out. My DPS also has my mast head, in small displayed on one of the pages. This makes the reader aware and memorise the magazine name. Other conventions are used throughout my finished products.  The front cover clearly displays the issue and price of the magazine as well as the bar code. I have also included main features and a strap line. My finished products all show a clear house style which is important from a marketing prospective. The colour pallet of my magazine, is black and white with examples of pink, creating a simple house style. This makes my magazine different from others making it unique. It gives the magazine a personality. My front cover has a central image and both my contents page and DPS both have a main image.
Although my magazine has obvious conventions of media products it also challenges them to some extent. Many magazines are very crowded and busy, as they want to see to the reader as  much as possible. The front cover of a magazine is extremely important as its the readers first impression that ultimately decides whether or not they want to buy the magazine. Therefore, many magazines cram the front cover full of main features, headlines, cover lines and all sorts of different colours and fonts. My magazine challenges this normality as its house style is clean and simple. I often think less is more and if you have a few strong main features, this will too capture the readers interest as they'll want to find out more for them selves. Most magazines use bright colours to captures audiences attentions as colours connote different symbols. I have slightly challenged this in that my magazine displays colour pallet is mainly black and white. I feel that this gives the magazine a unique and different look making it stand out from others. There is huge variety of magazines out there and often readers want something different to their usual constant.

Music Magazine: Finished Product

Media Magazine Double Page Spread

I am very pleased with my double page spread result. I have carried on the house style of black and white creating a professional and 'different' look. I have also included a trace of pink to break up the colours. The enlarged pink 'G' instantly draws the readers eye to the beginning of the article. My main image is taking up one of the two pages. I have created a quote said by the model making the article look personal to the reader. The masthead of my double page spread is, 'front nothing, to everything.' The 'everything' has been enlarged which creates the idea that she has a lot. Underneath the masthead is a sub heading, asking a rhetorical question, again making the article seem personal. 'Different' has been put in bold to make the reader think about what the question is asking. My article itself is in two columns. The first paragraph dramatically sets what the interview is going to be about, creating curiosity and interest in the readers. The questions asked have been put in grey and 'centred' to make it clear to the reader where the question starts and finishes. My magazine logo, 'VOICE' has been put in the bottom right hand corner of the right page to remind the reader which magazine their reading, making the masthead become memorable and significant.

Music Magazine Contents Page

I am very please with the results of my front cover. My research has helped come up with my finished design. I have kept the overall look simple but effective. For my main image I edited two photos together to create a multi exposure effect making the image different and unique. My second image in the left hand corner has been chosen from my second shoot. The use of a piano for a prop ties in a music element and feel. The colour theme here has carried on the house style of black and white. I have also included one example of pink which is effective as it stands out. I have divided the text into two sections; 'REGULARS' and 'FEATURES.' This creates a very simple look which is easy for the readers to understand. The large numbering makes it easy for a reader to establish which article they want to flick to. The font used for the numbering is messy and almost looks out of place for my magazine. This effect makes the magazine look edgy and daring, almost creating the idea of breaking the rules. The page description next to the numbering has various fonts pulling the reader in to the most important and interesting articles. 

Media Magazine Front Cover

This is my completed music magazine front cover. I am really pleased with the final result. I have taken all my research into account when designing the cover. The colour theme is primarily black and white but I have also included examples of blue and pink to help target at both genders. I have also used the colour grey to help balance out the colours giving it a modern and professional look. My main features are all related to the chart music industry today to establish what type of music magazine it is to readers. I have used different fonts to help the main/most important information stand out to the reader, drawing them in and making them more curious to read more. I have priced my magazine at £3.00 as I believe this is an affordable price for my target audience. From a selling point of view I have tried to make sure that the reader would be attracted to my magazine. I have used phrases such as, 'you need', 'right here', and 'right now' this repetitive and direct phrasing makes the reader feel as though the magazine is targeting them personally. I have kept the text away from my main image as I think the image is very strong so I wanted to ensure that the text didn't take away from the overall look. I have also kept my front cover simple and made sure that the text didn't over crowd the page avoiding a busy and complicated look. 

House Style

Throughout my research Iv'e been strongly aware that I wanted to develop a distinctive house style between my front cover, contents page and double page spread. It has emerged as a simple clean style with a bold font. The use of black and white is particularly effective in creating a modern professional look. My pre-visualised idea relates to my target audience as it has a modern urban feel. The high fashion element links to the music industry today and the interests of young adults as well as their aspirational appearance. 
My research showed me that most young adults would be willing to pay £2-£3.99 for a magazine which is an affordable price. I think its important that my target audience can read a high quality magazine but within a price range their suits their life style. 
My house style ideas have been inspired by the likes of VOGUE and ELLE but the contents of them has been inspired by popular music magazines such as NME and Q. I want to try and create the right balance between the two looks and have a finished product of a high fashion/modern urban design that links to the chart industry and the high class, edgy image it portrays today. 

Rolling Stones double page spread - house style inspiration

Sunday 7 April 2013

Contents Page and Double Page Spread Photo Shoot Results

After completing this photo shoot and beginning my research into magazine contents pages, I realised that I need a further second photo shoot as magazines have a variety of photos within a contents page to try and entice the reader into different aspects and features of the magazine..
Within this photo shoot I used a different model to show the reader what else the magazine has to offer. My model is based around a piano in the photos which shows a music element which relates to the music magazine brought. The photo shoot is meant to be fun and bubbly, immediately associating the magazine with a positive atmosphere. 
When manipulating my photos on Adobe Photo Shop I kept the tones simple and neutral which will make a constant house theme between my photo shoots, giving my magazine an individual image and identity.

Second Photo Shoot

Double Page Spread Moc-Up

This is a basic moc-up of my double page spread. I have taken my research into consideration when planning my layout in order to come up with my pre-visualised desirer article.

Double page spread Inspiration

The layout of a double page spread is very important. Throughout my research these two magazines have inspired me from a layout point of view. One page will be of a main image and the second will be an article. I want my masthead to be very large so it is distinctive and bold. Underneath the article will be an explanation about the article. This will entice the reader and make them curious to read more.

Whilst researching into double page spreads the technique of enlarging a section of text has caught my interest. This is because the enlarged text naturally draws the reader in to read the important text. This widens the readers curiosity making them want to read the rest of the article with interest.

Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page spread has also taken my interest throughout my research. The main image on one page takes up the whole page making the picture bold and distinctive. The other page contains the article. The first letter of the article has been enlarged in order to draw the readers eye too the beginning of the article. The article has been written in one column which allows the reader to be able to read easily. A certain section of the text has been enlarged which I particularly like. The enlarged text draws the readers eye to it, as it is usually a significant part of the article it make makes the reader want to read on with curiosity. 

Double Page Spread Analysis

This Double page spread has inspired my pre-visualised double page spread. Its layout is simple yet striking. One page is a main image in a black and white effect. The other page features the article about the model. The headline 'femme fabulous' is bold and clear with a description of the article underneath. The description gives the reader a taste of the article to come which engages their interest and makes them want to read on. The article is in two columns which allows the reader to read the article easily without loosing interest. The first letter of the article is enlarged and has been made bold which cleverly attracts the readers eye to the beginning of the article. 

Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page spread has particularly stuck out to me on a personal level. It is simple with a colour theme of black and white. One page is taken up with a main image. The model’s smiling which instantly associates the article with a positive outcome. The writing is in two columns which allows the readers eye to read through the article easily without losing their place. I particularly like the text that has been enlarged in the middle of the article. This is obviously a main piece of text which has a lot of significance to the article. The enlarged text will make the reader naturally read it first which will make them want to read on with curiosity. 

Q Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis

These Q magazine double page spreads are bold and effective. Both issues have a main image on one of the two pages. The models are both posing simply yet the image looks really strong to a reader. On the Q double page spread of Lady Gaga I particularly like the black and white effect of the picture. The articles itself have large letters across the page. The bold lettering is unique and interesting. It instantly grabs the reader’s attention as it’s striking and distinctive. The deep red is see through which allows the text beneath to be easily seen. The red creates a contrast with the otherwise plain colours. The colour theme of black, white and red is carried out through the rest of the magazine creating a house style throughout. ‘Lady GAGA’ and ‘Beady BYE’ are written in the top right corners of the double page spread. This is very simple but also effective. The writing is also in columns which is effective as a reading technique in that columns keeps information in a tight space, which is good as there is a limited amount of space, columns easily directs the readers eye down the page without them losing their place.

Contents Page Moc-Up

This is a simple Moc-Up of my contents page layout. The design has been inspired by my previous research...

Contents Page Inspiration

I like this ELLE contents page for a few main reasons. Firstly the main image is covering the top of the page with the contents below. This effectively divides the page in half in a unique and interesting way. The model is in the centre of the page drawing the reader’s eye to her. I specifically like how the magazines mast head ‘ELLE’ has been spread out making it bold and distinctive and ensuring that the lettering does not clash with the main image.  
This ‘ELLE’ contents page has captured by interest. The display of the writing is clear and effective. I like the use of columns. The messy font used for the numbering is particularly appealing as it stands out and contrasts with the rest of the neat and tidy wording. 

This front cover design has inspired my pre-visualised contents page mast head. The ELLE masthead has uniquely been spread out to make the model seen. This is very effective as it makes the mast head bold and distinctive. I particularly like the multi exposure effect of the model, this creates the idea that there is more than one model making the image interesting and unique. 

This is another example of ELLE spreading out the masthead. It is simple yet effective, drawing the readers to the lettering and models between. 

SPIN Contents Page Analysis

This ‘SPIN’ magazine contents page has taken my interest from a design point of view. The ‘SPIN’ masthead is displayed in the left hand corner of the page to avoid confusion amongst readers. The main image is of Duffy; a famous singer who is featured in this issue. Her pose is associated with humour and fun making the overall image uplifting and happy. Her pose looks to be an action shot, which reflects on her personality being naturally bubbly and humorous. She is holding a guitar in one hand which is used as a way to associate her with her music career. In the top right corner is a quote from Duffy herself, making it personal. The content of the magazine is displayed down the left hand side of page in a simple and effective way. The heading ‘FEATURES’ is boldly displayed with page numbers of main features below. The main features have a description underneath allowing the reader to find out about what the articles are about, capturing their interest and making them want to read more. The numbers of the pages featured are displayed prominently allowing the reader to flick to their desired choice easily. 

VIBE Magazine Contents Page Analysis

This ‘VIBE’ magazine contents page also stood out to me throughout my content’s page research. The overall image is very out there and brave, but the overall effect works. The page is unique therefor it clasps the readers interest.

The model used as the main image is also significant in this contents page. Her overall look will capture the male gaze as she is positioned in a provocative pose lying on her back with her legs up. She is wearing limited clothing showing a lot of skin. She is gazing into the camera which makes the reader feel as though she is looking at you. Women will also look at the model from a desired appearance point of view. Her jewellery also portrays wealth and class. 

Saturday 6 April 2013

Billboard Magazine; Contents Page Research

This Billboard magazine contents pages is very busy and over whelming. The house style remains the same though out each issue with a large column of the left hand side displaying 'No.1 On the Charts'. The contents page is clearly established by the word 'CONTENTS' displayed across the top centre to avoid confusing from a reader. Below/in the centre of the page is images of various artists featured within the magazine. The use of photos will excite and create curiosity among readers who will want to read on to find out more. At the bottom of the page is a sub heading saying 'home front', this section shows information of events and on line.  The colour theme to this contents page is blue and green, these vibrant colours break up the black text, making it more interesting and appealing to the eye. The different colours also help direct the reader to the right/main features. 

Friday 5 April 2013

Rate Card

For my magazine research I looked into a variety of magazines rate cards. Rate cards show the demographics of a specific magazine clearly. Because of my research I created my own rate card for my music magazine 'VOICE'...