Tuesday 9 April 2013

Evaluation: Question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout my project I have learnt a lot about technologies. 

  • Text - (in design) This is the most obvious one but throughout my project I learnt which texts worked within a magazine to produce a professional finished look.  I used different types of fonts and different sizes.
  • Layers - (Adobe Photoshop) When creating my magazine I used layers so everything device was placed in the right position. Before this project I was unfamiliar with Photo shop but by using Google and youtube videos to help me, I successfully learnt how to use the programme. 
  • Colours - (Colour Pallet) I used this programme as well as Photo shop to help edit my photos. I think this was very useful as it enhanced the colours correctly avoiding the look of over editing. 
  • Colour balance - In photo shop I used different effects such as shadowing, mid tones, exposure, contrast and highlights. I learnt how to make sure that each effect would balance the other out ensuring that the finish colouring looked equal and proportioned. 
  • Camera - For my photo shoot I used a digital camera with a standard lens to ensure that my photos were of good quality. I used this camera through my art GCSE project so I was familiar with how to use my camera to the best of its ability. However, I did use a tripod which I havn't used before. I had help setting it up as I had no experience in doing so. I found using a tripod really beneficial to my photo shoot as it helped balance and level my photos correctly. 

  • lighting - I knew how to use the lighting in my photo shoot to create the best results as I have existing experience in photography. I used different lighting settings in my two photo shoots. In my first, I used one light as I didn't want my pictures to be to over exposed. I was pleased with my results but I thought that  a brighter back round would better of represented the look I was trying to achieve. Thinking this, I used two lights in my second photo shoot to brighten my back round which I personally think makes the photo's look of better quality and exposure. 
  • Adobe Photo Shop - I used photo shop to create my magazine and edit my pictures. I have used this programme before, throughout my art GCSE, so I was familiar with the concept and layout of the programme. I used this programme to crop, cut, layer and manipulate my images. I found it slightly difficult at times too try and get all the feature's of my magazine to fit correctly around the  page, but with time and patience, I leant how to make it work. A knew concept I learnt was by using layers and the paint tool I could retouch colour such as hair colour and eye colour. I also learnt how to edit a specific part of an image using the magic want tool. 

  • Corel Draw - I also used the programme Corel Draw to design my school magazine. I have used this programme a number of times so I didn't learn a lot through using it as I already knew and understood the format and the concept of the programme. 
  • Blogger - I 'Blogger' to display my media course work. I had never used this site before my project so I had to learn the way a blog works as I went along. I needed to learn a few main skills in order to successfully complete my blog. Firstly, I learnt how to create 'labels'. The labels I created, I have attached to each post in order to show what each pose is about. I also learnt how to upload a picture. I often found uploading a link to my blog difficult as you have to embed the code and then upload it in the HTML setting, as soon as I understood this, I was able to quickly and efficiently upload prezi videos and slide share presentations. I have found blogger to be a really efficient site to use for my course work.  
  • Prezzi - I used prezzi for certain tasks in order to display my research in a simple to understand format. Prezzi can easily present ideas and plans in a creative and interesting way. I had never used prezzi before my AS media coursework so the concept of it was new to me. I found prezzi difficult at first as it got rather confusing at stages but with the help of 'prezi learn' videos and 'prezi support' I was able to get the hang of it quickly and start making videos where I thought necessary. After being shown how to embed my prezzi to my blog I found it easy to post each of my prezzis on to my blog efficiently. 

  • Slide share - I used slide share to display my images for my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I also used it to display my finished products.I think that it is a good overall programme as it can show images to an audience professionally and clearly. I had never used slide share before my AS media blog, so again, this was a new concept and learning curve for me. I found this programme easy to use, I simply followed the instructions and created my slide show. After finishing my slide share I embedded the code and easily posted it on to my blog for people to view.  

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