Monday 8 April 2013

Evaluation: Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my magazine is males and females between the ages of 15 and 25. They would have a strong interest in chart music. They would also be interested in the fashion element and lifestyle that the chart music industry portrays. I have tried to include traces of interests that come with a love of music for example my model is wearing high fashion clothes that you would expect a musician to be wearing in a music video. This makes my audience more able to relate to my magazine.
Below is my audience profile I created during my research. It clearly clarifies what my ideal audience would be. 

My target audience:
Age: 15-25
Gender: Female 50% - Male 50%
Social Economic Groups: B, C1, C2
Life Style Profile:
·         Strong interest in chart music industry
·         Downloads an album 2-3 times a month
·         Attends music festivals/gigs 4 times a year
·         Influenced by musicians image
-    Reads on line articles about musicians personal lives

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