Monday 8 April 2013

Evaluation: Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My target audience is age 15-25. It is targeted at both male and females interested in chart music. The chart music industry today has a heavy fashion element to it. I wanted to incorporate this into my magazine to relate to the fashion side that the chart music industry portrays. Because of this I looked in to high fashion magazines such as VOGUE and ELLE to help me create a pre visualised image of my magazine. My model is wearing latest trend clothing which many musicians would wear in music videos for example. All this helps my magazine to appeal to young adults interested in the music industry. The language used in my magazine is colloquial and informal which would relate to a younger generation. In the main image, my model is posing, holding a cigarette. My target audience are at an age where a rebellious nature is seen as the normality. Many  teenagers and  young adults smoke in today's society and the model doing the same will make her relatable. My main features are all about up and coming or already big artists that would appeal to any chart music fan. Many names have been enlarged in order to draw the reader to the wording, instantly capturing their attention when spotting a liked musician. 
My Magazine is both targeted as males and females. My magazine is represents males in that my model used will capture the male gaze. Her poses all show of her feminine figure is tight clothing. She is wearing dramatic eye make up and has long blonde messy hair. My magazine also has a sticker in the colour blue. Blue is a masculine colour. My colour pallet for my magazine is primarily black and white which gives the magazine a very neutral effect. This gives the impressions that the magazine is divided between males and females.  
My model will also appeal to girls from a desired appearance prospective. Girls are under a lot of pressure in today's society to try and look like what is thought of as 'good looking.' Girls often use models as inspiration for fashion choices. Pink is also used throughout my magazine which is a feminine colour. 

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