Thursday 18 April 2013

Final Feedback

After completing my magazine I interviewed the same people, that falls into my target audience category,  that I used to carry out my life style questionnaire and ask for feedback from. I used one girl and one boy in order to get a fair and balanced response from both genders. I asked them a number of questions to help myself understand whether iv'e successfully created a front cover design, contents page and double page spread that would attract my target audience...


When first seeing my finished magazine cover what initially attracted you too it?
  • 'The main image definitely attracted me to the front cover at first. The model looks interesting and daring. It made me curious to find out more about her story. When i saw the feature next to her it made me generally interested to find out more about her. I'm quite interested in fashion myself so the models appearance captured my interest as I liked her dress. I think the body language of the model also attracted me to the magazine as she looks laid back and almost out there as her pose is different to the normal poses most models do on magazine covers.'
When seeing my contents page what initially attracted you to it?
  • 'I think the large numbers captured my attention as they stand out on the page and their different to the rest of the style (house style) of the other pages (front cover and double page spread).'
When seeing my double page spread what initially attracted you to it?

  • 'I would say that the beginning of the article caught my attention as the first letter is much larger and pink, it definitely drew my eye to the beginning of the article!'

What is your favorite part of my final product?

  • 'My favorite part was the series of images throughout the magazine. I particularly liked the front cover main image as the model looks almost captivating and interesting. I also liked the multi-exposure effect  of the model in the contents page as that really stood out as being unique and different.'


When first seeing my finished magazine cover what initially attracted you too it?

  • 'I was first attracted to the names of various artists around the page, especially 'Bastille' and 'Jay-Z' these are some of my favorite musicians around at the moment, so they really appealed to me.'

When seeing my contents page what initially attracted you to it?

  • 'I personally liked the photos used on the contents page they were really interesting and unique, the model is also good looking which appealed to me (male gaze)'. 

When seeing my double page spread what initially attracted you to it?

  • 'I was definitely attracted to the larger text that stuck out in the middle of the article, because the text was larger than the rest I looked at that first and what I read was interesting so it made me want to read the whole article.' 

What is your favorite part of my final product?

  • My favorite part was the main image on the front cover. The model is really attractive looking and she also looks edgy and laid back which I can relate to myself. The fact that she was holding a ciggarete made me relate to her on a social level.' 

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