Monday 8 April 2013

Evaluation: Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My finished product (front cover, contents page and double page spread) all contain examples of conventions. For example each finished product has an expected layout. My front cover has the name of my magazine 'VOICE' displayed across the top of the page so readers can see spot my magazine quickly and easily. My contents page also has the mast head of my magazine displayed across the top of the page, spread out. My DPS also has my mast head, in small displayed on one of the pages. This makes the reader aware and memorise the magazine name. Other conventions are used throughout my finished products.  The front cover clearly displays the issue and price of the magazine as well as the bar code. I have also included main features and a strap line. My finished products all show a clear house style which is important from a marketing prospective. The colour pallet of my magazine, is black and white with examples of pink, creating a simple house style. This makes my magazine different from others making it unique. It gives the magazine a personality. My front cover has a central image and both my contents page and DPS both have a main image.
Although my magazine has obvious conventions of media products it also challenges them to some extent. Many magazines are very crowded and busy, as they want to see to the reader as  much as possible. The front cover of a magazine is extremely important as its the readers first impression that ultimately decides whether or not they want to buy the magazine. Therefore, many magazines cram the front cover full of main features, headlines, cover lines and all sorts of different colours and fonts. My magazine challenges this normality as its house style is clean and simple. I often think less is more and if you have a few strong main features, this will too capture the readers interest as they'll want to find out more for them selves. Most magazines use bright colours to captures audiences attentions as colours connote different symbols. I have slightly challenged this in that my magazine displays colour pallet is mainly black and white. I feel that this gives the magazine a unique and different look making it stand out from others. There is huge variety of magazines out there and often readers want something different to their usual constant.

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