Monday 8 April 2013

Evaluation: Question 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

I have researched into many into many media institution that distribute all types of magazines. The magazine market is huge, with many competitors trying to get their magazine recognised. The most common way of distributing a magazine is in a shop. By distributing a magazine in a shop it instantly makes the name of a magazine more popular as it will become known by a large variety of people having seen the magazine. Because of this I have decided that WHSmith's would be perfect for my magazine. I think this because WHSmiths is a large, well known franchiser with a huge variety of people coming in and out of their stores everyday. The store is known for supplying magazines and I believe if my magazine was placed on the shelves of WHSmiths many people would get to see it. WHSmiths sells numerous amounts of different types of magazines. They sell 35 different types of music magazines. With the business serving approximately 30,000 costumers across England and Wales I believe that WHSmiths would distribute my magazine as I have followed the normal conventions of a music magazine with some original ideas that might attract
WHSmiths as its important from a marketing prospective to have variety and change.
I also think distributing my magazine at a festival would be very rewarding. I think this because festivals are the place where music lovers go. My magazine is targeted at both genders, age 15-25, this is the average age range for people to go to festivals such Reading and Bestival; making it a prime location to distribute my magazine. Festivals also have a happy and relaxed vibe, there are so many up and coming artists around people become open minded to new music and ideas. I have been to large festival myself so I can say first hand that there are many people handing out flyers and magazines and the response is very positive. People at festivals have a genuine interest and love for music, their open minded to new ideas, making them a great audience to have my magazine distributed out too. 
In today's society people between the ages of 15-25 and constantly using social networking and electronic devices to interact and explore their interests. Many magazine companies such as 'OK' are distributing their magazines online knowing that there is a large target market that would rather sit in the comfort of their own home and read a magazine online than have to travel to buy a magazine. There are many devices that a magazine can be read on presently such as a laptop, ipad, tablet, kindle or phone. People can easily subscribe to magazine's online allowing them to receive issues through the post and receive email updates about latest news and offers.  Magazine companies have recognised this and have grasped this opportunity. Because of this I think my magazine would benefit greatly from being distributed online as people can read it from the comfort of their own home. 

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