Tuesday 9 April 2013

Evaluation: Question 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

It is very important for a magazine, from selling intentions, to have certain examples where you are targeting a specific audience as it instantly makes a magazine personal and relatable to an individual. I have made sure that my audience of ages 15-25, both male and female with interests in chart music are able to relate to my magazine, instantly drawing them in. 
An example of this is fashion the main images I used. That fact that the model on the front page is sdqmoking will make my target audience be able to relate to her rebellious nature. She is also wearing latest trend, fashionable clothing, which will attract a young audience, as fashion is very important to many young people in today's society. Her pose is almost confrontational. She displays attitude that a young readership will be able to identify with. She'll capture the male gaze through her pose and clothes; she is wearing a short dress with one hand propped on her hip making the model slightly provocative. A female audience is also under pressure to aspire to look the way that she does, this will make an audience connect and empahise with her looks.
My front cover has been designed to capture the attention of readers. My mast head is very large taking up a large part of the top of the page. The bold and large text will capture a readers attention as it is important for a magazine to stand out from others. I have kept a simple colour pallet but my cover shows examples of blue and pink which are male and female colours. This will attract both genders.
On my front cover I addressed my audience directly. '100 summer songs, you need right now.' The fact that I have used the word makes the magazine look like its targeting an individual directly. I have also used many devices to attract my audience. For example, my main features displayed as kickers across the page are all referring to big, chart music musicians which would instantly attract their interest. I have used different fonts and sizing to attract the readers eye to the most important parts of the cover, widening their interest. I have created a sticker that reveals competition results, this would make a reader curious and interested to see the outcome. I have also used 'exclusive interview' and 'rumours put to rest', this makes the reader feel like this particular magazine has  more to offer than other magazines of the market. 

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